Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Some people are trying to wrap their minds around many of the things going on. And they use words such as, “Shebi they said if you serve God things will be easy,” “Shebi if you’re coming to church and you’re born-again, things are supposed to change,” etc. So, a lot of people are lost.
There’s a kind of rebellion going on among young people. The young people are facing so much pressure.
A young lady has made up her mind that she’s going to keep her virginity, she’s going to serve the Lord but here’s another lady close to her, maybe the same hostel or the same office, jumping from one man to the other, and because she jumps from one man to the other she’s able to take care of herself, change her phones, buy herself a car, can afford to do what she wants for herself when she wants and this other lady who’s going to church who’s vowed to keep her virginity is now confused as to “Am I doing the right thing”? “Am I making the right choice “?
God has sent me to tell you that how He does things is different from how you do things. When it has to do with God, you have to completely trust Him. You have to trust Him to the very end. When you’re walking with God, it’s not a haphazard thing. It has to be complete trust.
Sometimes, when we pray to God and we don’t receive an immediate response, the devil tries to take advantage of our doubts and fears. He may whisper to us that God is angry or that He’s not doing anything, causing us to lose faith and trust in God. Ultimately, the devil’s goal is to make us turn away from God and rely on other things instead. It’s important to remember that God is always listening and that His timing is perfect. We should remain steadfast in our faith and trust that God will answer our prayers in His own time and way.
📌The Fact that God is silent doesn’t mean He’s not doing something.
📌 The Fact it looks like nothing is happening does not mean nothing is happening…
1 Sam 16:7 “Samuel appeared in the house of Jesse and saw Eliab, immediately he said, behold the anointed of God is here. God said, No!! This one I have rejected. God made that powerful statement for He doesn’t see as man sees. God looks differently from how a man looks…” (Paraphrased)
1 Sam 9:2 “When Samuel saw Eliab he was a replica of Saul. Eliab had the frame of the former King, Saul. So if God is going to anoint another King, God is going to use the same parameters that He used to anoint the previous King to anoint the new one. God eventually anointed a short guy, David, because God does not see as man sees.”
As far as the heavens are above the earth so are God’s ways above our ways, so are His thoughts above our thoughts…..
Acts 12:5-11 (Interpretation) “They doubted the release of Peter because they had an expectation of how God was going to answer their prayers.”
Daniel 10:12 (Interpretation) “From the first day Daniel set His heart towards God his prayers were heard…”
Romans 8:28( Interpretation) “God is working in your favour…”
It doesn’t matter if people have looked down on you or written you off! What Matters is that God’s still on your side, still working on your behalf, and He’s doing so much behind the scenes. You’re not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
1 Samuel 1:18 “Hannah had prayed. God didn’t say anything but was busy making the necessary arrangements.” God is making necessary arrangements in response to your prayers…
God bless you